Weekend workshop Bodyspirit - The Lungs - Munich (Germany)
Weekend workshop with Nele Vandezande and Kurt Pattyn
The lungs are an extraordinary and huge organ. Should we unfold every single part of the lungs, they would cover the surface of a football field. The contact surface between the inner and outer part is enormous and contains enormous potential. The lungs are also the vehicle of our breath. From the moment we were born until the moment we die, breathing is part of our lives. This means that each thought, each emotion, each desire and every movement we experience in our lives is linked to a certain way of breathing. But breath is much more than that. Breath is spirit and spirit is mind.
Breath also connects us to others and to the powers of nature. After all, it is the same oxygen that we breath in and out. By means of open floor movement we dig into the bodyspirit of the lungs and explore, among others, the strengths of our breath, connection, life, freedom and space and learn how to use and integrate them in our lives.
Bodyspirt is an embodied centered awareness practice on the 8 layers of the body, physically as well as relationally, socially, ecologically and universally. This is not a course in anatomy, but experiential embodiment.